Our members are drawn from a broad cross section of the scientific community
The Institute welcomes applications for membership from Animal Technologists, animal scientists, veterinarians and others engaged in the field of animal technology and its supporting industries. We also accept members from overseas individuals and partner organisations.
Membership Benefits
Discover all of the benefits of becoming a member of the IAT.
From globally recognised qualifications, discounts on CPD Courses and conferences, access to our publications and members section of the website through to representation on legislative bodies in the UK and Europe.
We offer a range of membership grades which reflect the qualifications and experience of Animal Technologists.
Download our range of Benefits Posters to display in your facilities.
Membership Fees
The Institute membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December.
New applications processed after 1st October are automatically entered as members for the following year.
Candidates who have completed IAT qualifications must be fully paid up members by 1st April of the year of their qualification in order to be eligible for specific membership status.
Corporate Membership
Enjoy discounted members rates for all techncians in your facility with our Corporate membership scheme.
The same rate of membership regardless of grade and access to our key publications for all staff
Overseas Membership Group
IAT Overseas Members Group (OMG) is a minimum of 5 paid up IAT Members, not resident in the UK or RoI who wish to join together to hold meetings for the interchange of scientific and technical knowledge, to establish goodwill, closer co-operation and understanding between members.
Global Partner Membership
International individual membership associations with a purpose consistent with the IAT may submit a request in writing to include a copy of the association's mission statement, constitution, and AGM minutes with the application.
The application form should be signed by an office bearer of the global organisation